Highest Rated Comments

biglettuce2 karma

Awesome, can't remember the size limits on her seat but we plan on buying a second one anyway because we have two cars and the whole "switching-the-car-seat-from-car-to-car-every-other-day" thing sucks.

Also thanks for taking time out of your weekend to help people out with this stuff. There's a lot of confusion around car seats I think

biglettuce2 karma

Not sure if I'm too late or not, but my daughter is almost 15mos and her legs are already pretty long and she's getting scrunched up against the actual seat of the car. If this gets too bad can we switch the car seat to forward facing, or should we wait until she's 2-3 like the AAP says?

biglettuce1 karma

Huh, makes sense then I guess.

biglettuce1 karma

Pardon my ignorance, but those children are in the trunk... Won't their legs be crushed in a serious fender Bender? Wouldn't that in a way negate the effects of added safety from a five point harness?

biglettuce1 karma

Idk what was more of a pain: carrying an almost 20lb baby around in that carrier or switching the car seat back and forth. Thanks again!