Highest Rated Comments

besn10 karma

Hi Timo, on the indiegogo page for the new Iron Sky movie you state that you want to "make and distribute the film exactly the way we believe it needs to be made".

Has that something to do with the way you have been treated by distributors like Revolver and do you aim to be able to do things like sell the Blu-Ray outside of Finland?

besn3 karma

I was very happy when i could see Iron Sky in Austria very shortly after the release (only in German but hey, its better then nothing) and i hope i could do the same with the sequel.

So i guess you going to try to get better deals with the distributors based on the fact that you have created a loyal fanbase over the internet or do you think about trying to sell the movie online (over Netflix directly or as a downloadable version [i would pay you the 20€ i forked over for the Blu-Ray when i could get an awesome movie - that i'm sure you are going to deliver])?

besn1 karma

a lot :D