Highest Rated Comments

bertmaklinFBI117 karma

Best Memory of Stone Cold

bertmaklinFBI51 karma

Does religion play a big part in your life?

What do you like about the US/West? What do you dislike about the US/West?

bertmaklinFBI1 karma

Thanks for that. very interesting. What struck me, besides the prices, is how some of the shelves are barren. Is that a common occurrence? I have only seen the stores by me like that during hurricane Sandy.

bertmaklinFBI1 karma

As things have modernized do you see more reliance on processed foods/carbs in the Eskimo diet?

What are food prices like up there?

bertmaklinFBI1 karma

Just starting home brewing (got a kit). Have a couple of questions:

1) Can you recommend any sources that might help me learn to become a master like yourself? 2) It seems to me that the type/quality of malt is the difference between good beer and decent beer. Is this accurate? Is it feasible/cost effective to create your own malt?

Any tips on home brewing would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the AMA!