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ben_laowai7 karma

Fellow AMA crasher...the worst part is it starts to change you as well. When I first got there with my wife we heard a domestic disturbance. It was a real bad one, plates being thrown, slapping. All we could think about is what to do? Phone the police? Nope, I don't speak Chinese. Ahh...phone the front lobby...they came up and did nothing. Fast forward two years and the same thing happens; I get up, walk outside and tell both of them to fuck off. I din't give a shit about the girl.
I was riding my motorbike around Beijing when I saw a car hit something. I though it was a dog so I rode up just to see (another famous pastime) and I saw a guy, really badly hurt. No blood but his body was all at weird angles. I just stood there along with 15+ people. A cab drove up and his buddy put him in the back. I had first aid training, I had been in similar things aboard....I would have like to have comforted him, to have done something....but by that time China had changed me. I just stood with the rest of them.

ben_laowai7 karma

I love that game. New User "ChinaCherryxp15" says: Hey Guys, I love the China. Food is nice and people are respectful! What is best VPN for internet. Thanks!

ben_laowai6 karma

Hey, my two cents. On the street and around strangers, the 3 T's are very important but within the school system I found them to be quite liberal. I did a presentation on the "Tiananmen" incident and a young engineer, who later told me he was a party member, asked to copy it to bring to a meeting. He came back the next day saying everyone enjoyed it...and I didn't get kicked out.

ben_laowai4 karma

At that point I was pretty pissed off with the university and the bloom had come off the rose so to speak. When I was presenting everyone's eyes were as big as dinner plates but I wasn't outrageous for the sake of being outrageous(I used a lot of Jan Wong's quotes; Her book Red China Blues was pretty awesome if you've never read it.) No mention of numbers. The craziest part was I showed a picture of Tank Man, everyone except the teacher believed it was photo shopped....ah, good times.

ben_laowai4 karma

I love bringing up Bai Chiu En when bargaining with the older generation. Everyone should try it!