Highest Rated Comments

begrudged15 karma

You may be indirectly helping trans people. If people can accept that some can be born with aspects of both sexes, some might then be able to accept that someone can be born the "wrong" gender.

At any rate thank you for your AMA and your fun, light-hearted approach.

begrudged2 karma

Your special was excellent by the way, but you knew that I hope

begrudged2 karma

What did you draw upon or study in order to give your game such a cinematic feel?

begrudged1 karma

- Has it gotten more controllable as you get older?

- Have you tried/considered cannabis as treatment?

- Does anyone else in your family have it?

- Do you also have any form of OCD or other annoying condition?

I have it and my mother has it (both mild cases; mostly tics and I do random vocalizations when I'm stressed), and my son has a stronger case. I find that I can control the tics moreso now than when I was young, and that tics/vocalizations such as barking are completely gone if I use cannabis. My son does not live in an area where medicicinal use of cannabis is tolerated and that makes me sad.

begrudged1 karma

My favorite part was the part where you were talking. So good.