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beautyof199079 karma

I am a preschool teacher and have a two year old in my class that has albinism. I was already familiar with albinism prior to having this child in my class. I volunteered at a local hospital with a girl who had it and I also chose albimism for a research project in high school. Albinism is definitely an interesting topic to research.

If there was one thing I was reminded about albinism was that those who are diagnosed with albimism are very intelligent. What is a subject area or something in general that you are intelligent in?

Also, as a preschool teacher of a child with albinism do you have any advice on what I can do to help him, like what are some things you wished people did for you as child?

beautyof19905 karma

I have a few questions for you.

1) I have watched, "The Millionaire Matchmaker" before with Patti Stanger. I know it's a reality show but I can't help but wonder if there is any truth to this show and it's not staged. Have you ever watched this show and do you find her to be a legit matchmaker like she claims to be?

2) How did you get into this profession? What did you go to school for?

3) Is this profession considered a private one, as in you work independently? How nice is your salary?

4) I find it very easy to dish out advice to others mainly in regards to relationships, but when it comes to my own relationship I can't eat my own words. Is that typical? (Assuming you maybe able to answer this)

beautyof19904 karma

Love Shelties! I had a family dog named Brittany who was a Sheltie. Best dog ever! They are super intelligent but are very energetic. My Sheltie was hyper and barked at everything. She was loyal as well. I'd love to get another but I feel like I'd compare the new dog to my old one and losing my Brittany was the most devastating thing ever.

beautyof19904 karma

I am now reading all his posts in a british accent....well attempting to inside my head (I'm not british).

beautyof19903 karma

I have a nod in one of my breast. Cant remember which, and too lazily to find out. Anyways I came upon it not too long ago. It appears to not have changed in size the several times I've checked it in the past. To me it feels almost like a marble. I've read up on it and a possibility is an adenoma, worst case cancer. Which it never has popped into my head that the worst case scenario would happen. I still haven't gotten it examined. What did the doctors tell you about the adenoma? I read it is common for young girls to have.