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beastcoin2195 karma

How much of an existential threat do you think machine superintelligence will be and do you believe full end-to-end encryption for all internet acitivity can do anything to protect us from that threat (eg. the more the machines can't know, the better)??

Edit: I would just like to point out that second part of my question went unanswered. That would be a great discussion for us all to have, especially given the myriad of other vulnerabilities presented by lack of encryption (eg. overzealous government, hackers, etc.).

beastcoin96 karma

There are several dire scenarios detailed in the book "Super-Intelligence" that don't rely on emotions or self-interest. That book is part of what ignited the debate recently and was cited by Musk.

Here is a discussion on one of those scenarios: perverse instantiation. http://philosophicaldisquisitions.blogspot.com/2014/07/bostrom-on-superintelligence-4.html

"The first category of malignant failure is that of perverse instantiation. The idea here is that a superintelligence could be programmed with a seemingly benign final goal, but could implement that goal in a “perverse” manner. Perverse to whom, you ask? Perverse to us. The problem is that when a human programmer (or team of programmers) specifies a final goal, he or she may fail to anticipate all the possible ways in which that goal could be achieved. That’s because humans have many innate and learned biases and filters: they don’t consider or anticipate certain possibilities because it is so far outside what they would expect. The superintelligent AI may lack those biases and filters, so what seems odd and perverse to a human being might seem perfectly sensible and efficient to the AI.

"Suppose that the programmers decide that the AI should pursue the final goal of “making people smile”. To human beings, this might seem perfectly benevolent. Thanks to their natural biases and filters, they might imagine an AI telling us funny jokes or otherwise making us laugh. But there are other ways of making people smile, some of which are not-so benevolent. You could make everyone smile by paralzying their facial musculature so that it is permanently frozen in a beaming smile (Bostrom 2014, p. 120). Such a method might seem perverse to us, but not to an AI. It may decide that coming up with funny jokes was a laborious and inefficient way of making people smile. Facial paralysis is much more efficient."

beastcoin1 karma

Are you aware of any correlations of microcirculation issues and biome health? I started taking l' arginine, citruline and pycnogenol for other microcirculation related issues and noticed my longstanding gut and sinus issues (which I also suspected were realted to nasal biome) suddenly improved precipitously.