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bears-bub1353 karma

I can only imagine your parents trying to feed you as a baby with this condition. How were you fed as an infant? Speciality formula or did your mum live a restricted diet so she could feed you? (I spent almost a year dairy, soy, egg and gluten free whilst breastfeeding which I bet is far easier to do now than it was when you were a baby!)

bears-bub167 karma

My Grandpa is 94 and just like you, went with a group of likeminded soldiers, turned himself in and became a POW in Scotland. He met my Grandma there and they moved to Australia in the 60s. Its a story I have heard a few times. Did you hear of others doing this before you chose to hand yourself over?

bears-bub8 karma

Mate, just try to live your life without a single aspect of it touching something a corrupt or hugely unethical person or company has its fingers in. You cannot. Dont shit on a person for running an honest business just because the person paying for it might know someone corrupt or evil.