Highest Rated Comments

beanstein21 karma

What are your thoughts on media coverage of disasters and how this affects the way people give donations? For example, a hugely covered crisis like the earthquake in Haiti vs. underreported, perhaps slower and more pervasive but no less dire situations such as a famine? How do you deal with the imbalance of donations that can arise?

beanstein15 karma

Hi, thanks for the AMA! I'm an SAT tutor, and we teach our students to sort of shift the given topic toward one of a few essays they've already practiced - one on heroes, one on creativity, one on progress/technology, and one on individual morals. (Most essay topics seem to fall into one of these categories, anyway.)

Would you give a lower score to an essay like this that sort of steered the question in a slightly different direction?

beanstein15 karma

Yes! I love CW (and want to write a book about living history museums some day because of it), and one of my favorite memories (many are of food) is of a lunch of cheese, bread, and apples in the back courtyard there. (Unless I'm confusing it with a bakery...)

beanstein15 karma

Picspicspicspicspics please!

beanstein8 karma

How do you manage your freelance/entrepreneurial workdays? Jordan, I remember this was a challenge for you when you left Fuel. I'm a writer and teacher and sometimes struggle with apathy/laziness during the "work"-day - I'd love to hear how working from home or as your own boss goes for you guys.