Highest Rated Comments

bbeeeeffyy57 karma

Wow, Tuberous sclerosis presents with such a wide range of effects on cognition. It's really great to see that you're extremely intelligent and have loving relationships. Your tumor involved the fornix, which is a neuronal pathway that connects the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus. It plays a role in forming memories and connecting emotions to them. It makes sense that you have short term memory problems if the surgeon had to cut out a part of it. By any chance, do smells bring out childhood memories or emotions in you?

bbeeeeffyy5 karma

MSF does a great job with shorter term projects like crisis management. Do you see longer term projects like building established residency programs or teaching hospitals on MSF's horizon?

Does MSF look to permanently and positively change a foreign country's medical infrastructure during its missions? What's most important to keep in mind in order to have a lasting impact?