Highest Rated Comments

batmandarling10 karma

How did you find your current band?

batmandarling10 karma

You’re looking really healthy! Did you change your diet and work out often?

batmandarling9 karma


batmandarling8 karma

Saw you at Resident, Conan, and at Troubadour. My ears are still ringing by the way haha. Anyways, my question is, how do you go about writing music? Do you first start with some chord progression and build up from that? I have come to a halt where I want to create more intricate stuff with my music, that I know I can play, but it’s a little hard for me to get it out. Thanks! And I’ll see you at your next LA visit! Thanks for signing my album.

batmandarling6 karma

Haha how weird were those knocking stories? Like what do you even tell people doing that at that point?