Highest Rated Comments

barjam86 karma

This is a little different than “the people who coded it” this is a chief executive role. If I found out a CEO was a card carrying KKK member I would avoid that company. I will also avoid this company the guy is pimping because his position is equally repugnant to me.

I agree with you to a point though, I don’t need to align 100% with every issue. I draw the line at what I consider to be a pretty basic and fundamental human right though. To me this is no different than if he funded laws against interracial marriage.

barjam2 karma

Screw what other people think! If you have a serious interest in flying RC vehicles there are some really good sims out there that you can fly in the privacy of your own home. I recommend Phoenix RC.

barjam2 karma

Go read more about it. They use features of the VM to control the game so at a minimum they would need JVM targetable languages.

I can't imagine that anyone who seriously competes on this sort of thing would care one bit about language anyhow.

barjam1 karma

What do you think it would take to get more females involved in RCs? I have not once seen a female at the RC field (heli or plane) unless they were just hanging out.

barjam1 karma

Oh sure not crucial just more fun when there is a good mix of genders on any activity.

That is interesting that you felt like you were intruding (a bit anyhow). Any of the clubs I have been a part of probably would have welcomed any females (anyone really) hanging out. They seemed to have a pretty decent wife (and kids) presence already and everyone was super friendly to my wife.

Getting my two kids (boy/girl) interested has proven impossible for me. My dad never had any luck getting me interested in his hobbies so perhaps that is life paying me back :)

Thanks for the response.