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bardagim6 karma

Disruption and creative destruction are concepts that are keen to understand today's approach of the most innovative companies. Which are the concepts that will drive the most innovative companies of the future?

bardagim2 karma

Mr. Sukhdev's "Corporation 2020" pretty much describes the path to a new capitalism. Do you see an alignment of his points to what is needed for the World to evolve to 4.0?

bardagim2 karma

What counts most today seems to be the "flow", as described by Csikszentmihalyi. Everybody wants to be in the state of flow, in which you are more productive and focused. Nothing else matters. Companies search for a workforce that "flows" all the time. Innovation for me, however, requires the mind to "wander", to "connect" with the outside, as Theory U says. I think that this is the biggest paradox in innovation today, do you agree?