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balancespec255 karma

When I was in middle school for shits and giggles I replicated text files over and over on my school share, until they were like 6 GB in size. This was massive back in 1999.

The IT lady and principal called me in the office and I denied any wrong doing when she said I was using up most of the server space, so she showed screen prints and was like "ummmm you named the file bigbigbigbigbigbig" and I was like, oh yea good point.

slap on the wrist, told not to use the computers for the rest of the school year.

similar incident in high school with getting around net filters.

it ended up being a badge of honor getting kicked off the computer systems of any school i went to.

balancespec27 karma

If an automatic car wash damages my car, can I file a claim with my own insurance?

Is it considered collision or comprehensive?

Would I be at fault?

balancespec22 karma

For science, bitch.

balancespec21 karma

What kind of language/how should I describe my pot hole claim to where I would not be at fault? I think it's BS I'm at faumt for hitting a pot hole that takes up an entire lane on a dark 70 mph highway