Highest Rated Comments

bakermonitor19329 karma

Will 2nd Amendment groups be filtered or restricted?

bakermonitor19324 karma

Bigger pistols with smaller bullets are easier to shoot and have less recoil. A heavy full frame like a CZ 75 will recoil less than a polymer full frame, and much less than a sub compact. 22lr is great fun in a pistol. The walther pk380 is the easiest cocking center fire pistol I know of.

bakermonitor19321 karma

You stated that you use a 70-200 and a 500mm.
Do you ever use a Teleconverter?

Is there a "bait" used in the field other than natural flowers?

Do you ever stabilize a target for the bird to come to as is sometimes done with songbird photography?


bakermonitor19321 karma

Why are the sensor coils placed several cars back from the white bar?