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azrael3378 karma

Mr. Koplinski. Thank you for doing this AMA. As a resident in Enola, PA and an active member of several PA based organizations I have a few questions on the state of Pennsylvania regarding a few key items.

Has there been any formal investigations from the state into the possible public health effects of Hydraulic Fracturing? If so, what are those findings and how is the capital addressing this to the public?

Currently, all physicians in Pennsylvania have to pay into MCare, but if other providers are allowed to practice independently, will they also have to pay into that catastrophic fund?

Is Pennsylvania doing anything to curb inflating tuition costs for higher education? Are there going to be an increase of grants with PHEAA?

The city of Harrisburg is trying to turn a corner after disastrous 20 years concerning the incinerator debt and the hugely unpopular mayor Linda Thompson. This is where the capital building sits at. What is the state doing to help turn around that city? It seems like more citizens are trying to make a renaissance in Midtown then anywhere else in the city.

Last, but not least, I want to know what your thoughts are on the future of Pennsylvania.

Thanks again for doing this. It's much appreciated.

azrael3373 karma

Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate you doing this AMA and talking with residents.

azrael3371 karma

Good to know. Pennsylvania has a lot issues regarding healthcare. Some are good, some are murky at best. We've got great access to care from primary care providers, but there are issues regarding independent practitioners. We've got a wide range of insurance options based in Pennsylvania, but issues like Highmark and UPMC butting heads is limiting access to care. Medicaid expansion is a hotly contested item as well. Moving to single payer model for PA sounds good, but like you said...who's going to pay for it? With so much other intrinsically difficult scenarios tied to healthcare, it makes it difficult to make actionable decisions.