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aywwts4335 karma

In his book "Big Secrets," William Poundstone revealed a laboratory analysis of Kentucky Fried Chicken: "The sample of coating mix was found to contain four and only four ingredients: flour, salt, monosodium glutamate, and black pepper. There were no eleven herbs and spices — no herbs at all in fact... Nothing was found in the sample that couldn't be identified." So much for the "secret." In fact, the chicken's ingredient statement is available on KFC's Web site.

That said I'm sure the original recipie actually had ingredients other than Salt and MSG in it... To quote Harland Sanders

That friggin' … outfit .... They prostituted every goddamn thing I had. I had the greatest gravy in the world and those sons of bitches they dragged it out and extended it and wa­tered it down that I'm so goddamn mad.

Edit: Sources Sociology textbook and here .

aywwts4142 karma

Aw, Sarah is gone? I was sort of hoping the entire staff of college humor would grow old and die with me and make me feel forever young as some sort of stagnant shoal on the turbid seas of my perpetually fading youth...

aywwts4102 karma

Here it is in an actual Sociology textbook and here .

The quote actually comes relayed by Ray Kroc a founder of McDonalds, Sanders was bitching after selling his control in 1964.

His feelings regarding it are fairly well documented...

if the gravy disappointed him denounced it to the franchisee as "God-damned slop".[4] In 1973, he sued Heublein Inc.—the then parent company of Kentucky Fried Chicken—over the alleged misuse of his image in promoting products he had not helped develop. In 1975, Heublein Inc. unsuccessfully sued Sanders for libel after he publicly described their gravy as "wallpaper paste" to which "sludge" was added.[29]

aywwts417 karma

My question: why is twitter far more reliable at reporting a Google outage? For instance, when my power goes out my security system can tell me X% of people within one mile report the same.

Why can't the app status dashboard watch twitter / let me know Google usage dropped x% in the past ten minutes in x region. Why aren't there robots in all of these locations across the globe emailing each other constantly and reporting to the board when they can't, etc, in short, automate the dashboard.

aywwts45 karma

I have to clean my screen now.

Not like "Lol" but like... after I click submit I am going to get a cloth and some rubbing alcohol.