awake30797 karma2017-10-29 21:48:19 UTC
Being MasterChief, do you feel the alliance with the Covenant was worth it or could we have taken the Brutes and the Covenant on by ourselves?
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awake3095 karma2017-10-16 02:45:03 UTC
Not that this is the same thing but I used to work in a prison and was surprised at what the inmates could do with what limited kinds of food they could buy at commissary.
awake3051 karma2017-10-29 22:51:48 UTC
Thanks Masterchief!
awake305 karma2017-09-26 23:26:23 UTC
Also wondering what Khalasar is his. Waiting patiently.
awake304 karma2017-06-02 12:26:43 UTC
Was no one under the impression that the Great Leader has healed all disabilities?
awake30797 karma
Being MasterChief, do you feel the alliance with the Covenant was worth it or could we have taken the Brutes and the Covenant on by ourselves?
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