Highest Rated Comments

attwiretech24 karma

I really like my wife and kids ;)

attwiretech21 karma

It's pretty up in the air to the technicians discretion. We have personal protective equipment and are provided sanitizers, masks, and even jumpsuits. We're trained in working with everything from electrical risks like loose power lines to health risks from asbestos to communicable diseases to animal safety such as snake identification and bite treatments from spiders to dogs. We're taught CPR and basic health care. It's not like we can leave every job where a customer has a stuffed up nose, but the main word is 'unsafe'. The only thing you can get fired from without warning or previous discipline, is safety. AT&Ts primary concern with techs are safety and if a tech deems a home to be unsafe, we leave and report it immediately.

attwiretech21 karma

Best: A 20 something female who had her father living with her. Dad wasn't super old or anything, just lived in daughters apartment. It was very odd but they had the most awesome attitude about everything. Really a great couple of people to be around. I found myself delaying the repair a bit just to have a few more minutes of normalcy in customers. Doesn't sound that great, but they were really nice people is all lol.

Worst: Ugh, so many... I have a lot of hoarders and ghetto people... I would say the worst was when I was dispatched out to a house that had a pixelating TV (99% of the time that means the coax wires/connections have gone bad). It was about 6:30 pm and she had 5 TVs. I had to swap the lines on all the TVs from coax to cat5, in the rain. Just a bad day ended with a late rainy night. The people were nce, but when bad is mentioned, that comes to mind.

There was another worth mentioning. A sick man in an old home in the country. There was a half dead dog on the front porch and when I entered the home, the part of the floor you could see, was covered in a layer of dust and hair. The rest of the floor was hidden under laundry and trash. Some of the floor was missing all together in some of the rooms. Nothing but a big hole to the ground below. The ceiling had cobwebs everywhere! I'm a short guy and had to duck under the door frames because the cobwebs hung so low. Those are the houses I despise touching anything! "Sir, could you move your mouse to the wifi icon for me?"

attwiretech14 karma

Well, the ATT guy who is selling ATT door to door is a scum bag. Those are contractors and are horrible people. If you're getting bills, there's a BAN number us employees look at, it's your Billing Account Number. You're not Jane, John, Bob, Mark, or Kelly. You're ban#123456789. Call and have someone come out to a repair. Someone like me can not close the job (mark it complete) unless you have working internet. Now, your case sounds extremely odd. Really not being rude here, but either you're confused about something, or ATT really screwed you up somehow. Either way, don't stop calling them until it's fixed! Sadly, I have never worked in billing so I don't exactly know how they work, but if you call for a repair 3 times in one month, you become a Chronic Ban and they start sending the really good people to your house to rebuild everything from the ground up. BUT!... big BUT here... If there is nothing wrong, you will get billed by the technician.

attwiretech12 karma

Do I prefer AT&T service or work?

Service: I had Comcast and hated their customer service and prices. I got double the service for less of a price and AT&T still sends me gift cards and gives free stuff to me just for my continued service. Same with cell phones.

Employment: I think I'm treated unfairly the majority of the time. But for the pay, benefits, security, and pride... I'll gladly take it. In an economy that is consistently on the edge of collapse and with so many people being 1 paycheck away from being homeless, I will do everything in my power to keep my secure job for me and for my family. I came from minimum wage jobs and refuse to forget what my lifestyle was back then. I'm thankful.