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ata-s14 karma

How does Azure fit for big enterprises like banks? They would never give their data to the cloud, even for their internal non-transactional projects.

ata-s9 karma

Google killed the Reader (rss reader), the "wave", Google Notebook, and many more. People should be grateful for Microsoft that Silverlight still works even though the world is moving away from Silverlight/Flash technologies.

ata-s5 karma

If I'm not mistaken Erich Gamma said the web app is currently for "if you don't have visual studio installed, have an emergency, need to do a quick fix" etc.

But web is evolving of course. Though as a user I would prefer the native app always. It is faster, works offline too, much more features etc. and a version control system is enough to sync between computers.

ata-s4 karma

They probably don't know about this "business" issue but even if they did I'm pretty sure they can't tell :)

ata-s4 karma

@mkristensen is there any way to view TypeScript ".ts" files in vertical window with their compiled ".js" at the right side? Since the support in Web Essentials is removed...

Also sometimes the VS doesn't add auto-generated ".js" file into the project, so they don't get published/deployed since that ".js" file is not part of the project. Did you ever see this problem on anyone, or its just me?