Highest Rated Comments

asurais17 karma

How do you compare a military occupation with what essentially were protests that turned in to riots?

At all points the protestors were completely outgunned, so if it the revolution only relied on violent force, it would have failed spectacularly. Instead it succeeded. I will let you draw your own conclusions from that.

asurais6 karma

How can we bring this awareness of corruption and political activism to college campuses?

Youth, who have the passion, time, and naivete to actually move change; who have the energy and the necessary lack of roots to protest against the system, how can we involve the American youth in the political process like we see in many other countries in the world?

Surely most would be against the corrupting power of money in politics, especially when the realization that their opinions and values are crushed by those with deeper pockets.

Would be delighted to hear your opinion. (And go Demand Progress!)

asurais6 karma

It's not the same thing because the US/NATO presence would be a response to a MILITARY Threat. The Russian military presence is a response to a fucking riot that essentially subsided already. There is a HUGE power differential.