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ashnbot23 karma

My sister is legally blind and I have 20/60 vision with my glasses and mine cannot be corrected past that. And how me and my sister deal with the crap is way different. She laughs it off but secretly it hurts her. I just tell the person the facts and if they are rude, I tell them they are rude. I am not opposed to enlightening people who really are seeking info but the stupid people usually get told off by me.

ashnbot20 karma

Well for me, people generally comment on my eyes shaking and sometimes people think I am doing it on purpose and get mad at me for being a "distraction". For my sister, people are constantly staring at her in stores and even bring alot of attention to her by asking for a picture with her or screaming they find a "real albino".

ashnbot16 karma

Thank you! I think my sister is very beautiful but she just doesn't believe me. I would love to have her hair color! My hair used to be lighter when I was younger but it got darker as I grew up.

ashnbot13 karma

I think racism is very wrong and I assume there are albino racists because there are racist people everywhere.

ashnbot12 karma

I would also like to note, she has white hair and sticks out in ANY crowd so almost every time she is out of the house, people are saying or doing something to bring attention to her condition.