Highest Rated Comments

armyman5102997 karma

Crazy Story, what was going on in your head when you were robbing banks? Was it a huge adrenaline rush, were you scared, nervous, I would like to know what goes on when you commit a crime like that? Thanks

armyman51011 karma

How is the current situation there, is it as bad and people panicking like the News is reporting? Hopefully you can make it back home soon with your Wife, good luck.

armyman5102 karma

Every Game you worked on was Legendary in my opinion and it all boils down to Story/Scenery/Music. On a game so detailed like Assassins Creed, where do you begin to come up with music concepts?

armyman5102 karma

Where do you see North Korea in 10 years based on your past experiences, do you see anything changing? Do you think a regime change could ever happen?

armyman5101 karma

Mic drop 🎤