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arkhammer6 karma

Nah, covops cloak will be reserved for SOE Titan.

arkhammer6 karma

When a magnet is attracted to something, what is actually happening, at the quantum level, to cause that?

arkhammer3 karma

Awesome. I think I understand all that. But what exactly is the force itself? I don’t if there’s an answer to my question and I know this is a poor analogy, but say when you’re driving and put your hand out the window. You feel a force on your hand, because of all the air molecules hitting it. So what are the air molecules in magnetism? I realize the magnetic fields are opposing each other, but what exactly is it? I hope I’m asking that correctly.

arkhammer2 karma

Thank you for your answer! I was more getting at what exactly is going on when we put a magnet next to ferromagnetic metal (or another magnet (same thing?)) and we feel that force attracting them or repelling them from one another. What actually is that force? I dunno. Maybe too comprehensive for an AMA. But thank you for the info, Michael!

arkhammer2 karma

This was tremendously satisfying. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you!