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areola-aviator3 karma

Yeah older generations will always be less progressive and understanding than newer generations. I'm sure my generation will be viewed with some bitterness at some point in the future by future, new generations (probably for something along the lines of not agreeing with the moral values that promote veganism or some shizzle)

areola-aviator2 karma

"Beginning in 2015, Canada has seen a widespread issue of fentanyl overdoses country-wide. Authorities suspect that the drug is being imported from Asia to the West Coast by organized crime groups in powder form and being pressed into pseudo-OxyContin tablets.[64] - Wikipedia.

"Primary Canadian exports to Estonia include machinery, lumber, toys and seafood and fur products. These exports totaled $22.9 million in 2012. Canada mainly imports telephone sets, mineral and chemical and food products, as well as fishing articles. These imports totaled $48.4 million in 2012." -http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/baltic_states-pays_baltes/bilateral_relations_bilaterales/estonia_relations_estonie.aspx?lang=eng Woah....wonder if this is related. Canadians could be getting the source of the drug wrong?

Edit: I'm not one for conspiracy theories but still kind of intrigued