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arcooke121 karma

What if you took Garry's Mod out of its comfort zone and expanded the idea taking inspiration from other games? EDIT: Not built on Source, from scratch

Garry's Mod's ability to weld, joing, axis, turn, thrust.. combined with wiremod's ability to program, wire electronics.. combined with Outerra's procedurally generated planets and planetary systems.

A physical, round, dynamic world with an atmosphere, variable gravity, and a moon or nearby planet. You can build things like in garry's mod, program them like with wiremod, explore your home planet with your contraptions via land/air/sea, take your space ships into orbit or land them on another celestial body. You make the physics, the world generation, some basic tools, and a modding API.. Then open it up and let the community create the content. A true, limitless, open sandbox.

Recent history has proven that people like playing in sandboxes (Minecraft/Kerbal Space Program/Garry's Mod/Terraria/etc). Every sandbox game out there has its own set of strict limitations. So far nothing exists that lets people do anything they want.

I know you said you're not trying to aim too big, and this is probably about as big as you can aim, but damnit, I want this non-existent game so badly.

arcooke115 karma

Hi Garry. I used to be very active in the community, was a volunteer modeler/dev/forum moderator for the Wiremod team. Map size limitations are one of the reasons I eventually quit playing.. at some point you just run out of stuff to create within the confines of a small map.

Have you ever thought about writing your own standalone Garry's Mod from scratch so you aren't limited by someone else's engine? Well obviously you've thought about it, I'm sure.. but are there any plans?

Do you have the technical know-how to do that, if not, what about getting a team together?

arcooke6 karma

I've heard after a while, it can permanently stop over-sweating .. is that the case for you or do you have to use it nightly?