Highest Rated Comments

apullin9 karma

No no no no no. You guys are the heroes. And I don't mean this in a pandering "reddit" way. The iPhone jailbreaking verdict was absolutely ciritical, seminal, I'm not even sure of the right word for it. At the Maker Faire, I even went over to the EFF both to tell them that they were actual societal heroes, and that history would see them as such. If I was a billionaire, I'd be forcing so much money up the EFF's ass that they wouldn't know what to do with it.

apullin5 karma

We have really similar hair. What products do you use, and in what regimen?

apullin3 karma

This isn't a well formed question, but: Your charity sounds interesting, and a good direct-to-the-solution endeavor ... but shouldn't the government there be providing ambulances and infrastructure? That is, your charity goal, while great, is doing that that "shouldn't" be necessary, and I wanted to hear what you have to say about that, about the state of things and the philosophical approach wherein an exception case (yourself) is needed to get problems solved over there.

apullin2 karma

I don't really have a question but:

You guys at the EFF are genuinely heroes. Not in that sense that we call every fat, power fetishist cop a "hero", I mean a genuine, crusading-for-the-good-of-civil-liberties hero. The iPhone ruling that you guys scored has definitely changed the course of modern history. And you have the right idea: instead of just general protest and disaggregated disapproval, you're actually using the tenants of law to fight back these evils.

You guys should form a political party; I'd vote for you in a second.

Keep doing it. I wish I had money to give you, but I'm just a graduate student. If I was a billionaire, I'd be ramming money up your asses as fast as I could.