Highest Rated Comments

apricot_rainbow1130 karma

Huge fan, loved you in Kick Ass 2 and of course Scrubs! You and Zach Braff have such crazy chemistry on set, does it carry over into real life? Also I've been called 'black scrubs' for over 3 years because I look like you apparently.

apricot_rainbow409 karma

Zach Braff with the hard hitters

apricot_rainbow3 karma

Your career and the careers of other great scientific minds have inspired a generation of youth (myself included) to pursue careers in engineering for future technologies (aerospace, computer, etc). How involved are you in the promotion of advanced education and what did you have for breakfast today?

apricot_rainbow1 karma

Huge fan, my sister shed tears after your death on TWD. When does your book come out? Also who was your favorite actor to work with on the show?pleasesaynormanreedus