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applepiefly3141 karma

(Not a radiologist, studying ML and have an idea of how to answer this though). Beef up in every procedural skill with every avenue available to you. It will be much longer before robots are at the level to perform medical procedures without skilled professional input. Add skills that increase face to face patient interaction. More generally, have a mindset that is willing to pick up new skills and adapt. The older mindset of specialising deeply in one niche then finding work doing that exact thing for 35 years is a luxury new generations aren't afforded. Also, live a lifestyle and budget/save for retirement as if you plan to retire in 25 years, not 35 or 40, adjusting this number as you get a better idea of the future of your area. Finally, don't worry about it that much. Your countries medical association/regulator will not just hang you out to dry. The technology will be phased in first in an assisting capacity freeing up your time to do other duties, and before it gets to the point that you have nothing left to do, the association will have developed training pathways for you to adjust to the new role of whatever radiologists will be doing.