Highest Rated Comments

apowl1 karma

Thanks for your response! I recently made the switch to caffiene pills (mostly for the reason you described, I want to keep my smile white) and the effect is pretty much consistent with coffee I find. You can measure your caffiene dosage to the mg, which I like.

You should definitely check them out! Obviously everyone reacts differently so you'd have to see how your body responds to them, but you can pick them up for pretty cheap (20 cents per 200mg pill) from local pharmacies like Rexall or some Shoppers Drugmarts. I wish you all the best with your condition :)

apowl1 karma

How does caffiene play a role in your life? I noticed in another comment you said that the feeling of being awake for two days is the equivalent to a normal narcoleptic day, and I'm just trying to process that.

It's not often, but when I'm awake longer than 24 hours I find myself relying quite heavily on caffienated beverages despite only really drinking 1-2 cups on a regular day. Are your caffiene habits greater than an average person? Is it strictly coffee, or do you use caffiene pills and/or energy drinks? What keeps you focused, awake, and alert?

I find I'm grumpy when I am sleep deprived, would you say it can affect your mood similarily? How do you cope?