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aoxo2780 karma

What if you did a My Little Muhammad comic? Technically, technically it wouldn't be either of them and you'd be safe. Technically.

Edit: Look mum, I finally did it! Reddit Gold!

aoxo324 karma

Not a question, but your hand writing is amazing.

aoxo27 karma

My first run in with wild life was 3 or 4 of them. But I used them to my advantage when I was low on health and ammo and got them to attack a pirate roadblock. While they were distracted I took one of their jeeps and made it to safety.

Edit: I should note that safety in this case was driving off a cliff and into a river.

aoxo7 karma

I felt the second half of the game was slightly more rushed. I'm not sure if it was my play style or not though. However, I think the second island dynamics changed the game in a huge way. I was so in awe at the way the wingsuit and relationship to the mercenaries plays out. Whoever came up with those aspects deserves a pat on the back :)

aoxo6 karma

Since Alex is the only one smiling I can only conclude he's trying TOO hard to appear non-evil therefore he is really Sean and Alex is actually the one in the middle... but the one with the bald spot is evil... so... Alex is the evil one... but since Alex and Mitchell are living each others lives Mitchell is the evil one.

Uhh, hmm... you're all evil!

Edit: Accidently an L.