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anonanon1313193 karma

My neighbor bought his house from his grandfather. His grandfather worked in a chocolate factory. He told me that one day the furnace went out and all the chocolate solidified in the pipes which had to be torn out. I thought he was pulling my leg but he uncapped one of his chain link fence posts and the entire pipe was filled with 50 year old chocolate. Surprisingly, it hasn't gone bad and still smelled edible, although I didn't try.

anonanon131399 karma

I have a friend who had a similar experience, wound up suing for malpractice. This was back in the early days though. He had a high Rx and shouldn't have had the procedure with the technology of the time. Still scary though.

anonanon131363 karma

Agencies like OSHA, EPA, and IRS are deliberately underfunded. Politicians just starve the lawful policies they disagree with. That, and stuffing the judiciary with kindred spirits. Passing laws doesn't end the fight without enforcement (see banking/security trading).

anonanon131338 karma

Eat your veggies.

Since most of what's recommended for a healthy gut is also recommended for cardiovascular health (whole grains, legumes, fiber-rich/plant based foods), people have nothing to lose (except maybe excess weight) by adopting a prebiotic rich diet. Likewise, at least for some common bacteria (eg lactobacilli) fermented foods (like yogurt) are easy to add for some probiotic content.

Once I realized that I modified my diet to control my IBS and besides doing that, it also dropped some pudge and improved my blood tests (cholesterol).

It's pretty hard to hit the RDA for fiber, Americans are ~50% typically.

anonanon131311 karma

I nodded off briefly in about 60' during an early morning dive after a night of drinking. I jolted awake just as my regulator was slipping from my mouth. That was it for me and dawn dives.