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anon10294362926 karma

Just a heads up, generally ‘rude’ junior doctors are not rude because of you, they are just really overwhelmed and juggling too many things at once. If it is targeted rudeness fuck them, but that’s generally not the case I hope.

Both times I’ve had someone say to me ‘well that was rude’ or ‘could have a bit more polite’ I had either cried within the last 20 minutes or was about to cry, and realistically if I was in any other job would not be attempting to keep working.

I quite often ignore cleaners etc, but it’s genuinely because I’m trying to remember 5 things at the same time, whilst also listening to my boss (who might shout at me if I miss something) and a nurse who’s trying to ask me a question, and the stupid bleep going off. We also move jobs every 4 months at my stage, so names end up meaning nothing because you trying to learn 100 new names every few months, plus all your patients.

Sorry if this comes off as rude, outside of work when we’ve had sleep I swear we are normal people. We are all just very very burnt out.

And generally from a junior POV we don’t look down on you, although I am certainly jealous of your pay on weekends and bank holidays.

anon10294362922 karma

Appreciate it bro, haha we do try