Highest Rated Comments

angurth4 karma

Questions (with a comment)

  1. Do you or have you gone into therapy yet to address this extensively, and if so, are there techniques, such as mindfulness techniques to deal with the symptoms of PTSD while on the job and in a triggering scenario?
  2. I was wondering what if any techniques or advise you have to maintain the level of focus you need for the job while managing your PTSD?
  3. Do you have any reading suggestions or other readily available links or reading resources that have worked for you specifically?

Kudos to you man. That is a rough job, and you are often thrown into impossible situations, terrifying situations, witness things that would shock and rattle an average person, and expected to keep calm and focused the entire time. The stress level of each and every one takes its toll over time, from PTSD to complex PTSD (which has been identified for some time but still not studied well enough). For those of those that do not know what complex PTSD is, it is the development of PTSD from a series of events, not a singular one.

angurth3 karma

Bad kidneys are no fun, the diet takes adjusting too as I am sure you know but that's not really all that hard. Congrats, that is some scary stuff to go through, I have some issues, hopefully it does not arise to a need for a transplant, but its not outside of the realm of possibilities for me so I am extra careful with things, watch that sodium and...well everything else too. I just kept making jokes about building my own out of a LifeStraw/a pair of G.I. issue socks, a coffee filter and camelpack... in all seriousness though, best of luck to you going forward.

angurth2 karma

yeah skirted just under needing dialysis, just trying to maintain the status quo as these things don't heal once they are damaged as you know. So sticking with my guns here on strict diet and all that. I was in the long term ICU for a while a couple of times with other folks that had to get dialysis and am really trying my best to see if I can get away with never needing a transplant, but its a tough road with a lot of unknowns. My damage came from severe dehydration for an extended period of time, so there is a chance if I am super careful I can avoid it, but once in a while my numbers go wonky for reasons I can't explain and it gives me a bit of a fright. Glad to hear you are doing well, I got a SodaStream for water, I kept blowing all my money on lacroix haha.