Highest Rated Comments

angryparsnip4 karma

Thanks for doing this ama. I'm very interested in investing a small amount of money in cryptocurrencies to get a return and to support their development. I'm looking at putting some money into darkcoin, nxtcoin and especially the soon to be released nemcoin. I like the ideology and dev teams behind these coins and. Do you have any opinion on these coins and on investing in general? Also how would you suggest is the best way other than investing to support the development of cryptocurrencies in general? Thanks

angryparsnip3 karma

I live in Cardiff and am very interested in supporting the green party in the area because it's very possible that it could be won from the lib dems. What's the best way for me to support the green party in my area?

My more important question: money and lobbying are a massive issue in modern politics. It has in my opinion destroyed any possibility of a fair and just democracy. How would you solve the issue of money in politics? Public funding of elections? Limited donations from individuals? Thanks

angryparsnip1 karma

Diolch am drio