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andywhatever20 karma

they now say red wine is not good for us (http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/red-wine-is-not-good-for-you-after-all-says-chief-medical-officer-a6800296.html). can we believe anything from observational studies and those who tout them -epidemiologists?

andywhatever13 karma

'here is a study' ... forgot the link?

andywhatever7 karma

was Dr Califf the right choice for FDA commissioner? easy to attack paltrow (i know nothing about her claims) but what about big pharma?

andywhatever3 karma

i also had vit D levels <10, living in scandinavia with the dark winters, supplementation especially for the elderly over winter seems only to make sense

andywhatever1 karma

'get your vitamins from the food you eat' - what about the huge numbers of vegans not getting enough b12? definitely room for supplementation