Highest Rated Comments

andymacsa4193 karma

Ed, I'm a huge fan, thanks for talking the time to chat.

I've got two questions. First, I know that this might not be the ideal, or most fun way to play BoI:Four Souls, but the only person who will play card games with me is my six year old daughter. She loves watching me play Isaac (and is always on the lookout for the Guppy Dream), and she's gotten pretty good at her reading and comprehension. How tough is it going to be for us to play Four Souls together?

My second question, will you be taking a trip to Canada to play BoI:Four Souls with your boi Northernlion (u/itsoppositedayhere)?

andymacsa4111 karma

I think she meant that there was constant risk, albeit low-risk.

andymacsa42 karma

As a fellow QotSA fan, would you like to see Nick rejoin the band? What do think about their current direction? Have you seen them live?