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andygchicago2926 karma

What country's delegation was the most obnoxious? Privileged/snobby? Nicest?

andygchicago1012 karma

I hear that for people from poorer countries, the highlight of going to the Olympics is actually getting much needed health care. Are they able to receive that?

Also, are companies just throwing things at you as far as gifts and goodies?

andygchicago152 karma

Orthopod here

He shrugged it off because a little discrepancy is considered normal.

Just in case anyone is wondering, the body can compensate up to a half inch discrepancy. After that, problems can arise.

Not sure about your case specifics, but I'm no familiar with surgical correction being recommended under 2 inches uncompensated. If you want to know your measurements, it's pretty easy to check on your own.

EDIT: I missed the half-inch part. A half-inch discrepancy, even with compensation, is absolutely NOT a surgical candidate in an adult. It's even quite unlikely that it would be causing the major complications described. Technically, your limb length falls into the "normal" category. My guess is there's some unrelated scoliosis/torticolis involved.

The standard of care for a 1 cm discrepancy is shoegear modification. Definitely not surgery. In fact, it would probably be considered malpractice to perform the surgery on such a small discrepancy.

For further clarification: Limb-length discrepancies are extremely common. I'd venture to guess most people have some discrepancy. They are almost asymptomatic when the compensated difference is 1 cm or less, and usually relatively minor issues are noted in a discrepancy less than an inch.

andygchicago1 karma

Do you believe the ban-the-box legislation goes far enough?