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anasirooma67 karma

As a fellow Six Flags employee (Great America) I feel your pain. Too many times have I gotten yelled at because people waited two hours in line, only to find they didn't fit. When I tell them they should have tried the test seat at the entrance they get even more furious. It's greeeeat!

anasirooma50 karma

I'm a middle school teacher, and I personally believe it's the best grade to teach! I did 2nd grade for a year and a half.

Teaching younger kids is significantly harder in my opinion. They have less self control and many of them act out for attention in severe ways because both parents are working full time/they have one parent/they're being raised on technology. Children's basic needs are not being met in many families, and children are coming to school and severely hindering the learning of others. Class sizes in my state are huge, so the teachers have 25-30 munchkins running around, with at least a fourth of the class exhibiting extreme behaviors.

Honestly, the only issue with middle school is the attitude, which you just have to be ready to approach respectfully and meaningfully. I treat my students like actual people, and I never talk down to them. In return, I get their unwavering loyalty and respect. If you like them (or pretend to), they will love you back.

anasirooma18 karma

As an operator, I try to give the Guests a great time by telling jokes or making up raps. I think the best one I've come up with so far is rapping (as they leave the station),

"Your palms are sweaty, Knees weak arms are heavy, You rode Raging Bull already, Then went to County Fair and got your mom's spaghetti, You're nervous, but on the surface you look calm and ready, To ride Goliath."

Sometimes I'd get cheers and claps, and sometimes it just wasn't the right crowd. Overall, making that stuff up is the best part of the job imo

anasirooma5 karma

At the Six Flags I work at, you'll be ejected from the park. It may differ for different parks though

anasirooma2 karma

Hi Nick! My father frequently works on wood carvings, and I was thinking of getting him a piece of really nice wood for Father's Day, since he usually settles for just cheap, basic stuff. What kind of wood would you recommend is best to work with?

Also, thank you for doing this AMA! Love what you did in Parks and Rec, and I may or may not love all the crap you talk about Trump on Twitter.