Highest Rated Comments

amazingbollweevil237 karma

Where is your favorite vacation travel spot and what makes it your favorite?

amazingbollweevil7 karma

Impressive! One of my buds was working out at the track with a bunch of other guys (rugby training) when a guy showed up with all this sound equipment. He asked if they'd be willing to help him. The guy asked them to march along the cinder track as he recorded the sounds. Slow march, fast march, out of step, etc. They got a kick out of it but never learned where the sounds were to be used.

amazingbollweevil2 karma

Naïve question, sorry: Why would someone with no programing experience (me) want to learn Python? I find the idea of coding appealing, but struggle to find a reason for acquiring the knowledge. It's like a city apartment dweller taking a tree pruning course.

amazingbollweevil1 karma

Thanks! Yeah, I've seen a lot of these on-line systems, but they don't go into the sort of detail that I'm looking for. Looks like I might have to have a swing at this ball after all. Cheers!

amazingbollweevil1 karma

Follow-up question! Can I use Python to build on-line databases?