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allergic_to_LOLcats12 karma

Titus! Love your standups, especially the Norman Rockwell special. Keep up the good work, man.

My wife especially enjoyed your standup since she had a difficult period in her childhood with her parents and family issues. It's about that time in our lives where we are trying to have kids, so I wanted to ask you: With your kids, what is the biggest change you brought as a parent from your parents, and what have you done the same?

allergic_to_LOLcats4 karma

I think I remember a very similar post several months ago...sure you haven't done this before?

...nah, just fucking with you. Serious question: Do you keep a diary/video of yourself for memory's sake?

allergic_to_LOLcats1 karma

Hi Alan,

When it comes to tracking and forecasting weather phenomena, is it largely automated at this point or is there still some heavy manual number crunching? As a meteorologist, are you expected to have a strong background with math/statistics along with strong public speaking skills, or is scripting/speaking for live broadcast the bulk of being the Best Weatherman Ever?

Thank you!