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aliceinondering15 karma

Knowing the military, they will just give you the bottom part of a cane and tell you is the latest thing.

aliceinondering1 karma

It's basically the premise of OT, purposeful, meaningful activity to give a sense of accomplishment, confidence and balance. The Army just got in their own way.

aliceinondering1 karma

as a occupational therapy assistant who tried to get a program similar to this started when I worked for the WTB at JBLM and failed due to extreme red tape and poor department management...thank you!!

aliceinondering1 karma

Nice response :)

aliceinondering1 karma

Lol! Yep. One time we were out on the fire line and I got stung by something on my leg. And we are all sitting around all 300 people and only seven women. You know those little ampules that you break and rub the medicine on your skin? Well I had one in one hand and a cigarette in the other and I was waiting in between applications to apply a little more but I put the cigarette on my leg instead of the ampule and boy howdy did they love that little bit of entertainment! Yes things were a lot looser back then a friend of mine had a friend who was in Chico penitentiary. We slept on their grass and the inmates cooked our food and everything. My supervisor got a s*** sandwich for some reason I'm not sure why lol