Highest Rated Comments

alexm9018 karma

Student loan backed securities. Like the mortgage backed securities that took down the system in 08 but with student loans instead. For this reason they will never be cancelled. It's a money machine for wallstreet.

alexm9012 karma

The 08 crash was caused because a lot of people couldn't pay their mortgage or mortgages in some cases. I'm no economist and I don't know how many people are not paying their student loans but with inflation being so high and prices rising fast I have a feeling it could come crashing down again in the next few years. Could even be this year, who knows.

If you haven't seen the film The Big Short then you should check it out. Really good film about how the crash happened with loads of good information about mortgage backed securities. They were extremely wreckless and I have a feeling they didn't learn after the first time.

alexm901-2 karma

What's your opinion on NFTs and do you think they have a place/utility in the industry you are in?