Highest Rated Comments

alexfergy1409 karma

I honestly just felt a drop in my stomach and had to go check my past posts just in case. You've duped me.

alexfergy759 karma

I read this and thought, "Hey that would be a good idea" before remembering that I was currently in the process of doing one. Upvote for you.

alexfergy698 karma


alexfergy599 karma

I completely understand, life's no fun without a few jokes!

alexfergy508 karma

Oh dang it, I completely forgot to answer the other two.

To cover the severity, it's not an exact science like a time limit or formula or anything like that. I won't remember doing or saying different things and am forced to go by trust of those close to me for most things. Also, most of the things I forget I won't know that I forgot unless someone brings it up and I have no clue what they are talking about. A recent example was I went to the movies one day and the next day a friend asked if I liked the movie. I had absolutely no recollection of going to the theatre that day and had no clue what they were talking about.

For how it affects me, I describe it as basically a huge inconvenience. I set alarms and reminders for absolutely everything in my life, from when it's about the time to eat to if I made plans with someone that I am to see in even an hour. I try to take a good amount of pictures to help remind me of things I did during the day and constantly leave myself voice memos of things I need to do. If I didn't have my calendar or it got deleted my life would turn to chaos.