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alexander_q8809 karma

Holland. Easy question. I think Disney will show it to me long before they show it to him.

alexander_q5095 karma

There's nothing better than lying in bed.

I was already living my best life before I got sick. I do have anxiety about my RPG campaign though. Being a GM is very taxing and I haven't been able to summon the strength to prepare the next session yet, and I want to do as much of that as I can before I die.

I've also been spending so much time on interviews that it's almost become like a day job for me. I feel like every interview is an opportunity to spread the donate link so I have anxiety about missing opportunities to do that.

alexander_q4455 karma

The surgeon said a partial liver won't work, but I don't understand why. He also said they won't do transplants until I reach five-years without mouth cancer recurrence.

Thanks though!

alexander_q2944 karma

Yeah I've got a list of games, movies and TV I want to live to see. I've got them in my calendar so I can see them coming up. They include:

  • Captain Marvel

  • Avengers: Endgame

  • Spider-Man: Far From Home

  • Game of Thrones Season 8

  • Stranger Things Season 3

  • The Expanse Season 4

  • Toe Jam and Earl

  • The 100 Season 6

  • Star Wars Episode IX

  • Subnautica Below Zero

Things I've ticked off:

  • Rimworld Multiplayer

  • Stardew Valley Multiplayer

  • A Game of Thrones the Boardgame: Mother of Dragons

alexander_q2552 karma

I think it's one of the Guardians, but I haven't narrowed it down yet. Rocket, Starlord or Yondu I think. There's something about the combination of their heroism and their flaws, and the way they share their plain with others when it matters, that really speaks to me.

I haven't met any of the actors but my sister met Chris Hemsworth and I bumped into an amazing Thor impersonator this week.
