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alex3omg9 karma

Maybe a financial advisor would be able to answer that question better than some guy on Reddit?

alex3omg6 karma

Loot crates, booster packs, gacha capsules... They all have elements of gambling but there's more to it than that i believe

alex3omg2 karma

Months ago in stream chat I asked if you had plans to subvert the culture of KOS that's so prevalent in this genre and you said yes. I see nothing in the game to support that claim. Do you have anything you can say to give us confidence that this problem is being worked on?

Most people don't like being murdered constantly and many players try games like Rust and Dayz only to quit days later. I hope you really do aim to make a game that includes those players without necessarily disabling PvP entirely.

alex3omg2 karma

That game is great. It's on sale right now, actually.

alex3omg-2 karma

Well I don't know if the shield does much to prevent it when half the time you don't see it coming.

The question is whether or not you can develop an incentive to not killing people you meet, within the game. You need to discourage the aggressive behavior in some way. That's the real challenge and I hope you can come up with something before the game it released. Even if it's just adding a reason to hide and then follow someone back to their home (to rob them,) it's better than killing someone the second you see them. Or if a wound during a fight can bleed out, you would avoid a fight even if you thought you'd win. Make it so when we see a possibly aggressive hunter we run and hide rather than attack, and you'll see KOS go down.

It's not about making it harder to kill, but making the player not want to kill (inthatway) Maybe they want something that player can give them, so establishing a friendship could be beneficial...

idk, looking forward to seeing what you come up with but so far you've got nothing on the subject except 'you cant take their shit but you get some xp and xp is the only thing you really want so you should probably kill everyone you meet to get it' :)