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akodo19 karma

You have listed two credentials. Austin native and cannabis entrepreneur.

Why do you think either of those credentials makes you an expert on biochemical responses, the Covid virus, what what treatments are effective for covid, etc?

Are you also a medical doctor and just didn't tell us that? Do you have a doctorate in biochemistry or some other similar field?

If not, why do you think it's reasonable for us to listen to an entrepreneur on the properties of cannabis? To me that's like some guy opens up a fried chicken shack, and then he's going to tell me about the genetic background of chickens.

Or going off a poster below, Jacek Olczak is the CEO of Phillip Morris. Even setting aside his bias on tobacco, he's a finance guy and an operations guy not a scientist studying the human lungs. If I was a farmer growing tobacco, I'd not expect Mr Olczak to give me growing advice either.

So even not counting your personal bias, why do you think you have the ability to inform us on the properties of cannabis?

akodo15 karma

This makes no sense.

You have formulated products that had an intended purpose. So what. When I was 10 I made a cardboard rocketship to take me to the moon. It doesn't matter if the product had an intended purpose. What matters, did the product perform?

It sounds like your only proof of performance is a judge smoked your weed and liked it better. That doesn't mean you are an expert on how CBD impacts Covid.

akodo13 karma

you honestly think your business partner is reacting to CHLOROPHYLL?

Does he have similar reactions when he touches anything else with chlorophyll? You are aware that chlorophyll is present in all green plants, right? So he would be having the same reaction touching the grass, lettuce, broccoli, rose stems, etc. right?

akodo12 karma

Piggybacking on this:

Lots of people have done or are doing prison for using a product you are selling. Now, you are personally facing a lot less scrutiny mainly due to your skin color and financial status.

How do you plan to address this discrepancy? Do you have any moral obligation to at least put a warning on your package "Warning, do not use while black because racist justice system view usage as a crime - but white folks if you or your parents make $100K, you can use this just fine"?

akodo12 karma

A healthy adult Japanese Maple is about 6 to 8 feet tall. Not sure just being a healthy adult makes a tree one you can hang a swing on.

Same thing, I think there are some healthy adults that can't properly handle recreational pot, and there are some sick people who can properly handle recreational pot.