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ak92136 karma

CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, DNI Director Dan Coats, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Director Robert Cardillo, and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. General Vincent Steward were all just asked in a Senate Intelligence Hearing if they would be comfortable with your products on their computers.

They offered a immediate and unanimous no. Any response?

ak9215 karma

I agree. I have a sister with a variety of issues. Doctors decided on a mix of CP and likely an genetic disorder about 10 years ago, but it's always been up in the air. But Rett isn't far off in some of her symptoms..

I think the entire thing has probably made my family better, more compassionate people. I would not be who I am today without her. But if I could go back in time and take it all back, and have her be 'typical?'

Hell yes I would.

ak9214 karma

I'm sorry, but CNN.com is the absolute worst. There's never any article with new information I didn't already know, and it's way too media based. Nobody, and let me repeat, NOBODY gives a shit about what people are saying on twitter.

I want to have hope for CNN's future, but with Jeff Zucker in the drivers seat I'm not optimistic. With the exit of Soledad O'Brien and return of Crossfire, I quit and switched networks.

The reason everyone shits all over CNN, is because it should be the leader in breaking, accurate news, and non-partisan in political coverage. It has proven itself in recent years not to be trusted in the biggest of moments and has incredible "bias towards fairness" that has put pointless mouthpieces that is not in any way informative and does not give any new information on ANY issue.

CNN is getting torn apart because it is not living up to the bare minimum viewers expect.

David Carr of the NYT said it best.

"When big news breaks, we instinctively look to CNN. We want CNN to be good, to be worthy of its moment........Part of the reason that we still want CNN to be great is that at a moment when information and news seem to have done a jailbreak — bursting forth everywhere in all sorts of ways — it would be nice to have a village common where a reliable provider of news held the megaphone. By marketing itself as the most trusted name in news, CNN is and should be held to a higher standard."

ak9213 karma

Does she ever have any behavioral issues? My sister is 22, about 5'3" and probably only 120 pounds of pure muscle. Yet sometimes I can't control her when she get upset/angry. (Could I overpower her? Probably, but at the risk of causing injury..no dice) Honestly, we've been so grateful she stopped growing early.

ak9212 karma

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