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ajehals187 karma

The same way you do now by creating things people like. The Pirate Party advocates reform, not abolition of copyright.

If anything you will be far more to create because you can build on and borrow from material that has existed for decades but is still locked away by creators and publishers. As an added bonus, by not screwing up digital distribution, or locking you out of the internet for not being a huge company, we'll make sure you have all the advantages you need to be more successful than you would be if the internet were regulated heavily and net neutrality abandoned.

You may however find that you can't create one thing and live off it for the rest of your life, whilst I realise that for most artists and creators this isn't the case now (sure, their work is not available to anyone, but the aren't getting paid for it either) it might be annoying for the lucky few - however we hope that on balance this will mean you create more and we, as a society are more able to appreciate and see what you do.

ajehals185 karma

We'll get there, the problem as always for smaller parties is cost, volunteers and candidates, it takes a lot of effort and quite a bit of time to get to the point where you can do what you need to do - we simply don't have the several tens of thousands of pounds it would cost just to stand and use the mail out for more than one region this time around.

ajehals182 karma

The priorities are important. The Greens picked up what amounts to Pirate Party policy on both copyright and digital rights and use and campaign on it, but they don't seem all that committed across the board. That is to say that if you look, you will see Green support for TV style watersheds being applied to the internet etc... (I'm told this is just the Greens in the eastern part of the UK, but its a policy from May this year..).

The dedication to all of those aspect seem a little lacking, although they should be perfectly in line with Green principles! The question is whether they will push on the issues (and especially whether they would do so without a Pirate MEP in the European Group and a national Pirate Party talking about it at the national and local level..).

There are some incompatibilities too - we've seen Green party support for the destruction of GMO research crops... Now Pirates may not like the idea of GMO from a patent perspective, or indeed from a biodiversity perspective (and the lock-ins, dubious and not well tested pesticides/issues with the openness of some of that research etc..) but we won't reject the whole field of study, or work to undermine the research.

The same goes with energy - you can't simply rule out a whole group of technologies (with nuclear), especially given they have the potential to be very effective and could well solve a lot of the issues we do have with energy production and pollution/emissions/climate change.

ajehals174 karma

The German Pirate Party grew very quickly and I think its not unfair to say that they struggled with that growth a little, but the German political system and even the way PPDE is organised is pretty different from the UK (and elsewhere). I hope they are able to recover, get stronger and grow to be the party that Germany needs them to be.

ajehals56 karma

Well to a certain extent, we are starting to live that grand vision. If you are looking at how we communicate information, create content and use it now compared to even 10 years ago, you realise that the term revolution absolutely applies. What we are worried about now is that revolution being derailed by those that aren't benefiting from it commercially.

Distribution of anything is now easy, crypto-currencies provide rapid and secure methods of payment, with a 3D printer you can have someone scan something, communicate it to you and recreate it.. that's pretty amazing, yet there are people out there that want to not only over-regulate those things, but also change the rules to make innovation harder.

We can't predict the future, but we aren't scared of living in it and we are going to make sure it's as good as we can make it!