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admiralrads124 karma

Psychiatry is not really a science.

That's true; it's a medical field. That said, it's based on psychology, a behavioral science. Because the behavior of humans is so complex, it's pretty hard to lay down a solid diagnosis in a lot of cases. In addition, many disorders have overlapping symptoms, and not all symptoms of a disorder will always be present in a person, further compounding the problem. This doesn't mean psychology is useless, it just makes it open to a lot of interpretations.


Jung was a psychoanalyst; a lot of what you further discussed sounds very psychoanalytic in nature. However, I feel I should point out that psychoanalysis is only one school of psychology, and not very widely practiced today because of its pseduoscientific nature.

As far as psychadelics...I'm still curious about them myself. I've heard good things, though. Maybe someday.

But as far as psychologists and psychiatrists, they've all been trained enough to get a degree- a doctoral degree. Most of them are doing the best they can because they care about helping people. I understand that it's hard to trust people when it seems that all they do is throw pills at you or talk to you, but as I said, things aren't exact in psychology. It takes time, patience, and cooperation of both parties.

admiralrads33 karma

The most important part is finding someone who is actually concerned and dedicated rather than 'just doing their job'. Thankfully I did find someone like that.

That's good, I'm glad you got the help you needed.

As pseudoscientific as psychoanalysis may be, I've found Jung's idea of archetypes and a collective unconscious to be very personally helpful. I would not generalize that to being helpful to everyone though.

Psychoanalysis is certainly still taught for a reason; it does have context and while not predominant, can still be good for certain situations. Again, I'm glad psychology was helpful for you.

Mostly I felt the need to clarify that psychology is indeed a science; there's a lot of misconceptions about psychology, so I try to defend it whenever I can. I'm a psych major right now, and I've lost count of how many times people have asked me if I know how to read minds.

EDIT: Thanks for the reddit gold, mysterious internet stranger.

admiralrads12 karma

It's certainly science fiction, at least until we can genetically engineer something similar.

admiralrads3 karma

What kind of methods would you suggest to control the triggers?

In my case, I have social anxiety so controlling that is already a daily struggle. Plus, once I work out I tend to sweat for hours afterward regardless of the temperature outside.